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Letterboxing with
The Leader of the Pack


The Inn of Winter - a Hitchhiker Hostel

You may take a Hitchhiker (HH) if you leave a HH.
There will always be the host box stamp.

Planted 11-29-03
By: Leader of the Pack with the company of Pink Trotters and Party Bear
Rated: Walk short and easy slope may be slippery

Come to the fair town of Mansfield in Eastern Connecticut. Here you will find a multitude of letterboxes to suit every taste. The Inn of Winter is placed where on a full moon night you would hear a wolf howl. From the trail head by the sign of Joshua head toward the howl. Pass through two houses by the trail and over a stone wall the border to the Wolf woods. On a pleasant walk you come to a stair to avoid the trail eroding climb here and watch your step. As you reach the top look on the right of the trail for a ship shaped large rock. From the trail beside the rock take a reading of 170 degrees and go off trail to two other large rocks (not as big as the first) nestled under the left rock in a bed of leaves and sticks is The Inn of Winter. Enjoy the box and its host stamp, then swap HH. Make sure each is stamped into the host book and your stamp as well. So much to do! Then rehide as found . Be discreet this is a busy trail.


Before you set out, please read the waiver of responsibility and disclaimer.

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Webpage prepared by Psychokiwi Ink
Last updated Wednesday October 12, 2005 02:11 PM

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