There's Always A CatbirdHitchhiking Letterbox
Sylly started his adventures somewhere in NE CT in November 2002. Status ReportDecember 2002: Sylly was picked up by Wanda & Pete at the Stearn's Family House Box. They left him in the Lions Den at the Cape May Zoo in New Jersey on 12/12/02! Thankfully Sylly was rescued by D 'n A 2/2/03 and taken to see the Mad Hatter. Sylly caught up with Wanda & Pete again and in April was seen in the Mansfield area, Searching for Caddy. As well as Caddy, he also found Patrick and Amy, then Steve, Heidi, and Madras, and then fluttered off with his new best mate Butterfly. He is now perched in Wallingford awaiting company! September 2004: Sylly is back visiting Wanda & Pete for the third time!! You can also check the status of hitchhikers at Wanda & Pete's website.
Monday, 26 November 2007 09:59 PM |
Psychokiwi P57F502X138 Before you set out, please read the waiver of responsibility and disclaimer. |